This is a prayer I wrote as a facebook status after morning worship this past Sunday. It embodies much of what I believe the Spirit has been teaching me lately, and the hope God has been forming within me, even as I have been becoming more and more painfully aware of and agitated by the gods of our current cultural milieu:
GOD, in our time of unease and social unsurety, may we ask better questions! By Your Truth, set us free to love and serve You, with gladness and singleness of heart. Help us to enter into the Joy of the knowledge that our ontological location as Christians is in the New Life of the Resurrection of Your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Remind us that we are not our own, to do with as we would like, but that we are your creation, your Joyful servants, through Whom you are acting to redeem all of Creation. May our unruly desires and affections be revealed as what they are: hindrances to your Gospel. And may we, with all Your saints, ever enter into the Joy prepared for us, beginning now in the eternal abundant Life promised to all who abide in Your Son, by the indwelling of your Holy Spirit. Awaken us to your will for our lives: to live righteously, soberly, and in loving communion with Yourself and each other. Sharpen and illumine our minds to consider carefully the effects of our social choices, that our works may please you, and that we may do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you, rejoicing in the power of your Resurrected Son, who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns and Loves, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.